FREEZING COOKIES - The Health is Wealth Cookbook

Most cookie doughs freeze well. Just thaw the dough out overnight or a few hours in the refrigerator before using!
The cookie dough that freezes the best is: cookie cutter dough (such as sugar cookies, gingerbread people), drop cookies, shortbreads, refrigerator cookies,
chocolate chip cookies, peanut butter cookies. You can also freeze uncooked brownie dough.
To cook, thaw frozen dough, unwrapped, for 15 minutes or more until the dough is soft...
Frozen cookie dough is usually good for about 4-6 weeks.
You can freeze dough in a frozen juice container with both sides off so it is a cylinder, then slide it out later as it thaws and you can just slice the cookies off into rounds as thick as you want them. You can also just make the dough into rolls and roll them into Saran Wrap then unwrap and slice into rounds to bake.
Frozen baked cookies last about 3-4 weeks.
When freezing cookies, it is best to freeze them UNDECORATED, then thaw them out and decorate once thawed.
To eat, just defrost the cookies at room temperature.
Most cookies freeze well!
IMPORTANT: It is best to wrap your cookie doughs in *double* Saran wrap or in waxed paper covered with aluminum foil or freezer bags. You want to avoid freezer burn.

Make sure to cool cookies completely before freezing them or they will be soggy from the condensation.
It makes sense to write the date you froze the dough or cookies on the bag just so you have a clue!
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