MAILING COOKIES - Health is Wealth Cookbook!

These cookies ship the best: Bar cookies like brownies, harder cookies like shortbreads and biscottis, chewy cookies like oatmeal and chocolate chip, macaroons, drop nut cookies, most filled cookies, most refrigerator cookies...
Wrap flat cookies in pairs, back to back, with waxed paper inbetween layers.
Pack heavy cookies at the bottom...lighter cookies on top.
You can put some plain old fashioned popcorn between the cookies to keep them from jiggling.
Mailing Tips - Don't wrap the softer and harder/bar cookies together as they will counteract each others' textures. You want the soft cookies to stay soft and the harder cookies to stay harder so wrap them in their own separate wraps.
Hard round metal cookie tins are good for mailing. You can separate the cookie layers with parchment paper inside, and then wrap the tin in bubble wrap before mailing.
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