The Old Road in Castaic, with a winter rainbow, looking south...(Photo: K. Anderberg, Jan. 27, 2008)
The Old Road was an essential link between the San Fernando and Santa Clarita Valleys before the construction of I-5. You can actually avoid significant traffic during rush hours by taking the Old Road and avoiding I-5. The Old Road begins at the end of Balboa Blvd. in the north end of the San Fernando Valley in Granada Hills. Turn left before crossing over to Foothill Blvd., and you will see a waterfall in front of you on the hill. Turn right and you are on San Fernando Road, turn left and you are on the Old Road.

Just after you turn from Balboa onto the Old Road, you will come to the intersection of the Old Road and the Antelope Valley Freeway. This area has amazing geology. If you turn onto the Antelope Freeway, it will take you past oil fields and into the Vasquez Rocks area, full of geologic history. As you can see, the cuts in the rocks at this intersection show an interesting geologic history of this area. (Photo: K. Anderberg, Jan. 27, 2008)

Shortly after the Antelope Valley Freeway interchange, you drive under freeway overpasses on the Old Road. And sometimes during winter, the Old Road floods and gets very slippery so drive safely! This photo is facing north...(Photo: K. Anderberg, Jan. 27, 2008)

A photo of the Old Road with flood signs in winter of 2008. This photo is facing north...(Photo: K. Anderberg, Jan. 27, 2008)

A photo of the turn (and surrounding hills) from the Old Road from Castaic, leading onto the Old Road heading towards Rice Canyon and Newhall, facing south...(Photo: K. Anderberg, Jan. 27, 2008)

The Old Road, facing south, at sunrise in the winter. Note hills in background. I-5 is to the immediate left in this picture. (Photo: K. Anderberg, Jan. 27, 2008)

Another photo of the Old Road at sunrise in Castaic, as it parallels I-5 to the left. (Photo: K. Anderberg, Jan. 27, 2008)