I want to be really ugly today
Just to stick it to The Man
I want my ugliness on display
Just to fuck with The Man's plans
I want to be like Miss Jane Hathaway
Or Aunt Bea, or Alice, the maid
For whatever it was Marilyn Monroe had
It sure was quick to fade.
I want to invest hours preparing
I want to wear really geeky glasses
I want to stand in a pile of ripped up newspapers
I want to wear my ugliness
Beauty is skin deep
I want to be so ugly it is beautiful
I'm gonna be really fucking ugly today
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My ugliness on parade
Just so everybody knows
Not the anarchist horned rim chic
I want to be the bearded lady
Not some guy's girlfriend on which he cheats
And to bathe in shreds of magazine ads
I want to be so ugly you yell at me in crosswalks
I want to be so ugly I am banned.
Like a badge of honor and pride
As a statement against capitalist bullshit
And letting others control my in and outsides
Ugly is profound
You cannot get ugly in a bottle downtown
Behind the ugly, I feel safe to hide
Committing crimes of which no women dare speak
Pursuing ugliness during her beauty make-up time
Just so everyone knows
I'm gonna pursue it like others do beauty
Just to stick my thumb to my nose.
Kirsten Anderberg. All rights reserved. For permission to reprint/publish, please contact Kirsten at kirstena@resist.ca.