Vasquez Rocks (Photo: K. Anderberg, May 16, 2009)
Vasquez Rocks are named after a legendary Southern CA bandit named Vasquez, who would hide out in these rocks from law enforcement. These rocks were used in many Hollywood movies and televisions shows, especially sci-fi shows, where these rocks were used to portray other planets. Many of the episodes of Star Trek on other planets were filmed here. The rocks are in a desert landscape that reaches over 100 degrees commonly in the summer, so be careful when visiting during summer months. Take water and sun protection. There are hiking and biking trails all over the area.

Impressive rock formations litter the desert floor in Aqua Dulce at Vasquez Rocks area. (Photo: K. Anderberg, May 16, 2009)

Enormous walls of rock are the trademark of this area...they can provide shade in the heat of day, in the right places and angles.

The area has hiking trails with desert vegetation such as blooming yuccas in Spring. (Photo: K. Anderberg, May 16, 2009)

More amazing rock walls at Vasquez Rocks (Photo: K. Anderberg, May 16, 2009)

The variations of rock formations around the Vasquez Rocks area are astounding (Photo: K. Anderberg, May 16, 2009)

The rock landscape at Vasquez Rocks (Photo: K. Anderberg, May 16, 2009)

Vasquez Rocks provide valuable shade in scorching summer heat. It was over 100 degrees at 11 AM when I visited in May. (Photo: K. Anderberg, May 16, 2009)

Hiking on Vasquez Rocks (Photo: K. Anderberg, May 16, 2009)

The outer space-like landscape of Vasquez Rocks (Photo: K. Anderberg, May 16, 2009)

Crazy geology and caves abound at Vasquez Rocks (Photo: K. Anderberg, May 16, 2009)

More rock landscape at Vasquez Rocks (Photo: K. Anderberg, May 16, 2009)

Vasquez Rocks, Aqua Dulce, CA (Photo: K. Anderberg, May 16, 2009)

More interesting rock walls and formations at Vasquez Rocks (Photo: K. Anderberg, May 16, 2009)

A sandstone landscape dominates at Vasquez Rocks (Photo: K. Anderberg, May 16, 2009)

Hiking trails into the Vasquez Rocks (Photo: K. Anderberg, May 16, 2009)

Yucca blooms at the Vasquez Rocks (Photo: K. Anderberg, May 16, 2009)

A strange room inside a hollow rock formation at Vasquez Rocks (Photo: K. Anderberg, May 16, 2009)

The San Gabriel Mountains to the east of Vasquez Rocks (Photo: K. Anderberg, May 16, 2009)