March 12, 2006



One Big kNOw

Artists Against War

Metro Hall


Top 5 moments of One Big kNOW


5. Soundcheck at 10 am on a Sunday?! Although the room was pretty bitchin'. Oval and domed, the kind of place an evil mastermind could implement his plans (ironically enough, Metro Hall. Birthplace of city council brainchildren).


4. Private dancer for the set. Elizabeth Dawn Snell kicked it with the band for some songs.


3. Reducing the playing area to cinders by the sheer force of the funk fire (figuratively).


2. Sarah Marlowe announcing we got 2 more war resisters. One more and we get the toaster!


1. Getting 2 sets for the price of one (with Belladonna, then backing Along The Lines).


- Johnny Ray Whatever


Belladonna's PS: Just found out that Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha's book, Consensual Genocide, comes out in a couple of weeks.  The launch is at the Gladstone. 


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