You can now buy my book, 21st Century Essays on Homelessness, on
Kindle! This book consists of 8 essays written between 2004-2007, about homelessness; some in first-person. Essays included are: 1) The Privilege of Privacy and Homelessness,
2) Mental Hospitals as Homeless Shelters, 3) American "Insane Asylum" History: Giving Names To Numbered Graves, 4) The "New Poor" Versus The "Old Poor": Who Gets Prioritized?, 5) Once You've Been Homeless, You Can Never Go Back, 6) Homeless Kids and Their Parents Versus The World,
7) Adverse Possession: How and Why People Squat, 8) Bonus Article: How to Include The Poor in Community Events. If you do not own a Kindle, you can download the same technology that Kindle uses for free to your PC and
read Kindle books on your computer instead. I have also published a second book on Kindle, 21st Century Essays on Street Performing or Busking. More info on this book and
other Kindle books to come in the near future.
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